I am still in the testing phase of what camo pattern I will be using on my AFVs and possibly my larger artillery and AA pieces. I first did a standard Russian Green camo scheme to see how easy it was and so far that is hands down the easiest to paint. It goes so quickly and the dark green is very easy to work with. I posted a thread on Battlefront's forums a couple of months ago with my prototype camo scheme and receieved some criticism that the tan was too bright and that the red was too bright and too red. I agreed. The scheme I am trying to replicate is the tri color Caucasus scheme of tan, dark red, and dark green. I first found out about this camo in World of Tanks and use it on all of my Russian tanks in that game.
Since creating that thread on Battlefront's forums, two other people have posted pics of their completed miniatures in this exact same camo so I am obviously not the only one in love with it. Unfortunately for me, I am still TESTING the camo since this is my first time working with models that are so tiny and I am still trying to get the colors just right. So far the comments on their threads are "nice to see Russians in a color other than green for once". I feel I have missed my shot at glory because by the time I get my stuff done in this scheme it will have become the new "ho-hum green".
At any rate, I have completed the 2nd prototype a few minutes ago so here are the pics I've got. I have painted no details. I am just trying to get the camo right. Prototype One is on the right and uses Vallejo Bone White, Vallejo Gore Red, and Vallejo Russian Green. The right side of Prototype One is washed in black and the left side is washed in brown. At the suggestions of people on the forums, I opted for the black wash as can be seen on the entirety of Prototype Two. Also at the suggestion of people in the forums, I have selected a darker and more yellowish tan and a darker but less red red in the form of Vallejo Beige and Vallejo Hull Red. The model on the left is my newest approximation of the camo scheme above. Hope I got it right.
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