12 July 2013

Gone with the Shinies

A few things happened.

Not really a big deal but I realized how much I hated a good chunk of the FoW community over at their forums. There's a few really really really huge assholes that tend to think they run the entire show which makes newbloods having ideas very prohibitive. There was no fighting it. These are 50+ year old guys that have been in the game a long time and trying to convince them of something fresh is like trying to budge a bull that is stuck in mud. Not happening.

The big deal part is that I have a low attention span when it comes to shinies. I was so disgusted with the FoW community that I accidentally saw some other miniatures. Those miniatures were by a company called Hawk Wargames and were for a game called Dropzone Commander. The game was very new. The miniatures were so new they were hard to get in America at the time, and they were VERY shiny.

So what did I do? Regretably I sold off my entire FoW collection. All my Soviets and Germans that I had spent half a year amassing. An entire Soviet Strelkovy Batallion gone in under a week via ebay. Some folks out there got a sick deal. I then set about procuring a ridiculously sized force of Post Human Republic miniatures for DzC.

Then it happened again. This time some asshole shot up a bunch of children in Connecticut and the entire nation freaked out and whined and cried for gun control. Before the price gouging started, every miniature and every paint and every brush I owned was out the door and promptly replaced by a sexy FNX-45 pistol.

I think I regret selling the FoW miniatures because they were really cool and I would have loved to finish that Soviet army. I don't regret selling the DzC miniatures because the pistol I bought is just that freaking awesome.

But now I'm back painting again so the future of this blog remains to be seen. I have opted for 6mm modern historical this time and my first batch of GHQ Micro Armour showed up yesterday. I am looking to start off with an ultra-modern Arab/Israeli conflict set around the year 2014. I've got 20 Merkava Mk IVs and some other assets to start with. I intend that conflict to spark WWIII so I can "simulate" the world's next full scale conflict. This is very exciting stuff for me but it is still a ways off.

So I have two options. I can continue this blog under my new interest (mainly modern Israelis) or I can let this thing die and leave it as a memorial of what could have been. If you don't see any posts here within the next month, you have my decision.


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