25 July 2013


Well I've gotten the attack helicopter built. Once again GHQ delivers superb quality and detail. I've looked around at many many other manufacturers of 6mm scale models and I honestly don't know how any of them stay in business. Their models just can't hold a candle to GHQ's. This is a similar situation to when I played Flames of War where I only bought figures from Battlefront because the quality in my opinion was worth the extra expense.

Here is the AH-64D Saraph. Paint is a long ways off as I do not have the proper colors for the IAF. Note that the doodad that sits on top of the main rotor fell off so I have to figure out a good way of securing it. Probably going to need pinned although I have never pinned anything before so it'll be new to me.

Next up is a test Merkava Mk IV. Nothing special here. Just a magnetized turret and custom antennae. The antennae were made by using the bristles from a $1 black paint brush from Walmart. The synthetic ones you'd paint your house with. A $1 brush has enough bristles to give like 100-200 tanks aerials. I felt this was a better option than some of the other ideas I've seen kicked around such as piano wire. The bristles are flexible so you're not having to bend anything back in place.

Finally, I bought a GHQ F-16. This model was chosen to become an extensive conversion project to change what appears to be an early model F-16C (Block 30?) into a modern Israeli F-16I Sufa. The only F-16I Sufa currently available in 6mm anywhere is a model on Shapeways at https://www.shapeways.com/model/327961/1-285-6mm-f-16i-sufa.html?li=productBox-search&materialId=62 . That's all good an dandy but I worry about the detail and the material the model is made of. There are no panel lines to speak of and all details must be painted on. The other downside is that that model isn't even an F-16I. It's just an F-16 with CFT (conformal fuel tanks) which aren't even shaped accurately.

What sets the F-16I apart isn't just the use of the CFT but also a modified cockpit that utilizes a crew of 2 instead of 1 and an interesting dorsal spine that runs from the cockpit to the aft stabilizer. Go easy on me with this model because it is the very first time I have ever modeled anything with kneadatite. I've always wanted to play with green stuff but just never had a reason to use it. So far I've gotten the extended cockpit modeled and just finished doing the preliminary work on the dorsal spine. I've gotta wait a day for it to fully cure so I can do some detail sanding on the spine and reduce its size slightly. It also needs to be a bit more teardrop shaped and remain wide in the middle while tapering at either end. I gotta say though, for my first time ever sculpting anything, I am fairly proud of myself.

Up next are the CFT which I am absolutely dreading. They are curvy and I think it is going to be very difficult for me to get them just right. After that I will add some kneadatite under the nose to round out the bottom a bit. The GHQ model is nearly flat under the nose and I don't know why that is but the F-16I is rounded. Finally, I will take some of the bomb pylons the model came with that I will not be using and I will cover them in kneadatite in order to model the 600 gallon drop tanks that many Israeli F-16s use. Having a whole hell of a lot of fun in this GHQ stuff so far.

If you're interested and you chanced upon this blog because of my Flames of War stuff, check out GHQ at http://www.ghqmodels.com/


  1. Very nice. I wish GHQ would produce this variant and other more modern F-16s


    Allen's Micro Armor Blog

    1. Thank you and I totally agree! This seems like a very niche scale among older guys and I can imagine GHQ is spread fairly thin with all the niche games they do. There are tons of models I desperately want.

      As a side note, love the blog and adding you to the list since all my read worthy blogs are still FoW stuff. If you're who I am thinking you are, I LOVE your LCS and hope I can afford to buy one some day soon. Broke college student here so it'll take some time. If you're still who I am thinking you are, your youtube video showcasing your painted US stuff in those containers is what got me into this hobby. THANK YOU!

  2. Yep, I think I am that guy you think I am ... owner, operator and employee #1 at GameCraft Miniatures. I don't always mention that when I'm on other people's blog, that's not why I'm here, I'm here for my love of the hobby... not to advertise on your blog :)

    The LCS-2 Independence was a great project, I'm very happy with the results. I'm also working on an LCS-1 Freedom ,,, perhaps by the time you are ready to purchase I'll have the LCS-1 done too and I can make you a special offer.

    I'm so happy to hear that my silly YouTube video caught your eye and got you interested in Micro Armor. I've gotta make a new version of that video someday as my collection continues to grow.

  3. I appreciate the discrestion but I'd advertise away. What you do is very healthy for the hobby and I'm proof of that as I've already dumped $200 into GHQ and I could easily see that growing into the thousands within a year or two. If you look back through my blog, I had enough Flames of War models to make an entire Udarny Strelkovy Battalion with most options available. This time around, I'd like to recreate the entire 401st Armored Brigade from the 162nd Armored Division of the IDF. That includes the 9th, 46th, and 52nd Armored Battalions, 601st Armor Engineer and 401 Sayeret Battalions, plus an anti-tank company and divisional support (M109 Artillery battery etc) and I want to do it in 1:1 scale where 1 tank = 1 tank. I'll have more info about this project later in the blog.

    Thanks again for showing me this wonderful hobby.

  4. Hey Omnijackal, for a first timer using Green Stuff to do a conversion on such a scale, you really are nailing it. That is really some terrific stuff.I really wanna see the progress you are doing on your models.

    I must say Allen is pretty much one of the rock star guys in GHQ. His models are really wickedly done. I am quite surprise though, I didn't know he has already done an LCS-1. In any case, I feel advertising by him will really help the GHQ community.

    However, I disagree that this is a hobby only for old guys. Hahah, I am 27 years old, And i started doing GHQ models about 5 years ago. I like to believe i am not one of the "old guys". HAhaha

    In terms of GHQ stuff, I have been focusing mostly on the Modern Micronauts. However, I am recently getting on to do more Microarmour before I proceed to take on planes and helos.

    Perhaps you can google connect or follow my blog too at www.toyconstruct.blogspot.com

    Speaking of which, is there anyway to google connect or follow your blog too?

  5. I'd agree about Allen. I love his work and hope to be buying a lot of his stuff down the road. As far as I know he's done the LCS-2 USS Independence and he's working on LCS-1 USS Freedom. I'm personally hoping for the unfinished LCS-3 USS Coronado since it was the ship my dad served on while stationed at Pearl Harbor in the late 80s and is one of the few naval ships I've physically been on. So far as I see it, he is an asset to this community.

    I didn't mean it's only for old guys :P. I meant it's for older guys with finer tastes and a greater appreciation of our past and how it shapes our future. FoW is a little too mainstream for me at this point and while there are guys there that are just as old as some of the guys here, the guys there think they are god's gift to the community. For the record I just turned 31 ;).

    I am super excited to get into modern micronauts but I need to take it one step at a time and focus on the project I told myself to do. If I start buying into the other stuff (as much as I want them!) I fear my pistol may end up getting sold and I need that thing lol.

    I'll add your blog to the list (I'm always looking for more good microarmor blogs so anyone else feel free to suggest theirs). I have four followers on my own blog, from the FoW days, but I'm not sure how one would follow or connect to me. I add other people's blogs from my dashboard and that publicly follows them. Then I add them to my read worthy gadget and that advertises their blog on my blog. I don't think I ever bought into google+ so maybe that's the issue.

  6. Oh I see. Cos if you have google connect, I can also connect to your blog and receive updates on your blog posts.

    Regardless, much appreciated for the add and really good to see your recent GHQ fighter jet coming to life bit by bit!

  7. I won't even dare to start such a project myself! XD can barey dencently paint a miniature let alone converting at such level!.

    The F-16I is really coming out superbly!
