25 October 2013

F-16I Sufa version 11teen.1octember.toomuchpaintonthisthing.326 FINAL

NO MORE SUFA. It's done done. Like DONE done. Really sick and tired of repainting it trying to get colors down just right.

I took the neon green and whitened it to very close to the pastel green used on the actual aircraft.

I took the tan and used Vallejo Buff which is nice and light but nowhere near as yellow as whatever color I used before.

I took the brown and used Vallejo Flat Earth from their panzer color line which is a lighter brown than before but more importantly has a red tint to it. This change right here is what really tied the whole aircraft's paint scheme together. And here I was worrying about the green the whole time.

I changed the canopy colors to what looks like a more realistic scheme to me. I took dark blue and gently wet/drybrushed blue onto the raised areas and then glossed it. I also changed the color of the canopy lines from black to dark grey so they didn't blend in as well.

Finally, I painted over the IAF roundels and put new larger decals on which really makes the model pop.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great conversion. I never would have thought to use grapeseed oil to shape the green stuff. Using the pin thing to form the drop tank is a good idea. I will have to remember that. Most of my green stuff conversions are filling in the gaps of 1/72 ancients that were chopped up to make new poses.
